Be Healthy, Be Safe Week
A fun filled week whilst learning about being healthy and keeping safe !
Every year we raise the profile of safety and good health across the school with our children and their parents during our annual Every Child Matters Week. We raised a huge £610.00 for the British Heart Foundation.
The week was launched by the children in Class 5 who presented a fabulous assembly with children acting as Jamie OIiver, Usain Bolt, News Reporters, Doctors and members of the community. They sent a strong message to the rest of the children about the importance of good health and exercise. Every class took part in Road Safety workshops in the classroom and out in the community. We held an e-safety assembly for the parents and their children, parents were given magazines on 'Digital Parenting' offering advice and information on keeping their children safe whilst using the internet and social networking sites. Our fundraiser for the week was 'Jump Rope for Heart', a whole school sponsored skip for the British Heart Foundation. Cycling Poficiency, Childline Workshops and the Life Education Caravan have also been part of our offer this week.