Dear Parents / Carers and Children,
Please practise logging onto different websites at home that your child has access to. You will find these in the front of your child's diary.
- Education city
Please take time to look at the phonics section on our class homepage. This year the children will have a phonics screening check towards the end of the year. This is a national check and the children will be asked to segment and blend read and psuedo ( alien) words . If you have any questions about the phonics screening check please ask!
- Spellings given Monday, test on Friday
- Reading every day, 5-15 minutes. Please sign your child’s diary every time they read at home.
- English or Maths once a week, to take 15 minutes
- Homework will be given on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday.Please ensure that homework is completed and handed in on time.
School Council
The school council sell toast and crackers during Tuesday and Thursday playtime to children. Toast is 20p and crackers are 5p.