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Propps HallJunior Infant and Nursery School

Learning Today for a Better Tomorrow

0161 770 8400

Marvellous Mountains

Texts we will be exploring this term:

Our learning this term has all been linked to Marvellous Mountains.


In science, we have described how animals and plants adapt to survive in their ever-changing environment. We have explored the discoveries of famous paeleontogolists - Mary Anning and Charles Darwin - and the impact they have had on science.


In geography, we have explained how different types of mountains are formed. We have explored Mount Everest's plants and animals, and composed a non-chronological report about their adaptations to survive in such a harsh climate. We have explored why mountains are such popular tourist destinations and created a persuasive leaflet about visiting the Alps.


In art, we have studied the hypnotising works of Nicholas Roerich and created our own mountain landscape using jagged lines and overlapping.