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Propps HallJunior Infant and Nursery School

Learning Today for a Better Tomorrow

0161 770 8400

School Uniform

School uniform is compulsory for all children that attend our school. Children are expected to arrive at school every day wearing the correct school uniform. The school uniform is as follows:

  • Black/ grey school trousers or skirt
  • White shirt/ blouse/ polo shirt 
  • Blue jumper/ cardigan with logo 
  • Plain black school shoes 
  • Navy blue PE shorts (available to buy from school)
  • Pale blue short sleeved PE t-shirt (available to buy from school)


  • Blue & white checked dress in summer
  • Navy blue school fleece 


The inclusion of a logo on a uniform is an important one, it creates a sense of ownership for pupils whilst instilling a sense of pride, belonging and equality. Whilst we prefer our children to wear a school logo, items without a logo are also permitted. 


We use Brigade as a supplier of our school uniform. You can order online by clicking the Brigade icon below: 


*Jewellery and nail varnish are not allowed in school. Children may wear a watch and if they have pierced ears they may wear small studs.​


*Cosmetic enhancements are not allowed. Cosmetic enhancements includes: false nails or hair extensions, coloured contact lenses, make-up, temporary tattoos.  


* Patterned and extreme hair styles are not permitted, hair should be worn in its natural form. In the interests of health and  safety, all long hair must be tied back.