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Propps HallJunior Infant and Nursery School

Learning Today for a Better Tomorrow

0161 770 8400

Planet Protectors

Welcome to the Propps Hall Planet Protectors, we work hard to improve our school environment. We meet regularly to think of new ideas and projects, we share our ideas with the rest of the children in the school and sometimes we launch competitions e.g making new homes for the birds. 

Meet the Propps Hall Planet Protectors 2024-2025

Planet protectors


Only use what we need

Pick up litter

Please be green

Switch off lights

Help save the planet

All of us together make a difference

Look after wildlife

Love our planet

December 2024

Food Bank collection

Thank you to all the parents/carers for all the wonderful donations to the food bank. This year we collected for Failsworth community fridge, which is located at Co-op Academy Failsworth. As the cost of living rises the demand on food banks is also rising, which means our donation was greatly appreciated.

November is Cut Your Carbon Month



The Planet Protectors explained to the children during assembly what they could do to contribute to Cut Your Carbon month. There are lots of things children can do to take part. They can Ditch the drive, Go plant based for a day, buy nothing new for a month, substitute 4 baths for 4 showers, switch of all non-essential electrical devices for an hour and turn the heating down by 1 degree for a week. All these things contribute to cutting our carbon and helping our planet.




April 2024

Spring Chicks

The Planet Protectors took the lead in looking after the living eggs this half term. They were fortunate enough to witness some of the chicks hatch from their eggs. The children made sure the chicks had lots of food and most important lots of love.

Community Champions

These fantastic children have gone out into their local community, in their own time and collected lots of litter. Its lovely to see the ethos of the Planet Protectors being duplicated by these children. 

Making Bird Feeders

Today the Planet Protectors Started to get ready for the Big School Bird Watch. We made bird feeders to see if we can attract more birds to our playground.

Food Bank Collection


Below are some pictures of all the food we collected and donated to Oldham Food Bank. They came and collected it this week and they were very grateful for all your generous donations it is very much appreciated.


Walk to school week 2023 was a great success. Lots of children pledged to walk ,cycle or scooter to school.

Big School Clean 2023


The Planet Protectors have been taking part in the Great Big School Clean 2023. We have made sure our school is litter free by litter picking at playtimes and also making sure the area around the perimeter of our school was nice and clean.

Eco-Science Club

Our first investigation in Eco-Science Club was to make pollution catchers. We hung them in different areas around school to try to find where most pollution occurs.

We went back after a week to see if we could see where most pollution occurs.

We found the pollution catcher on the chin-up bars, which is nearest the road, was the one which caught the most pollution. 

Eco Science Club

In Eco Science Club we made bird feeders to put in our school grounds. Hopefully we will be able to spot lots of different birds on our big school bird watch later this month.


May 2021 Litter Picking

The Planet Protectors have been out this week looking after our school environment by picking up any litter.

Not only did the Planet Protectors clean up our playground, they also did a fantastic job of cleaning up the perimeter of the school fence. 

February 2021

Thank you to everyone in school and at home who took part in the bird watching. I know the children in school have really enjoyed it. I have now submitted our results to the RSPB to add to their data base. 


January 2021

For the children that are in school we are taking part in the Big School's Birdwatch 2021. In school we are going to make bird feeders and place them around our outside environment. After a few days we are going to go and see how many different kinds of birds we can spot. The children who are not at school can also get involved by completing the Big Garden Birdwatch From the 29-31 January. It would be lovely if you could let us know what you see in your garden or local park. Why not create some art from what you see and share it with us at

Some of our amazing artwork

Other News

We held a competition to design a new badge for our Propps Hall Planet Protectors. There were lots and lots of amazing entries and it was a very difficult job for the Planet Protectors to chose a winner. In the end they were all in agreement. Below is the winner with her wonderful design!