Physical Education
We recognise the importance physical education plays in the curriculum and are committed to providing all children with the opportunity to become physically literate, developing enthusiasm for and enjoyment of physical activity as an integral part of life. Children should acquire not only physical skills, knowledge and understanding, but also the awareness and importance of leading healthy, active lives as well as the values of sportsmanship, fairness and respect through the sports and activities they undertake.
It is our intention to provide the children with the opportunity to develop active vibrance, where they feel healthy, happy, and are active, individuals taking personal responsibility for physical literacy by freely choosing to be active on a regular basis. Children will be given the opportunity to compete in intra and inter school competitions which we undertake with the intentions to develop a range of characteristics including:
- Confidence and competence
- Participation and motivation
- Knowledge and understanding of physical activity
- Social skills and a sense of belonging
- Physical literacy
- Improving health and wellbeing
- Tackle inequalities
- Provide inclusive opportunities
- Create positive experiences
- Promote success
- Support transition
- Develop leadership and life skills
These competitions are delivered in a variety of year groups through a variety of events. Children will experience these throughout their years at Propps Hall.
We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2023-2024 academic year.
The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise school’s engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.
Our Y5 & Y6 girls football team won their first football match against Yew Tree 🏆 so proud of them! They developed leadership within their team and created a positive atmosphere within their team. They won 4-1 but more importantly they showed great sportsmanship, determination, resilience and teamwork throughout.
Upper KS2 community hockey competition , we won 6-3! We were able to build social skills, build connections with others and encourage each others' motivation and participation.
Unihoc and Football