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Propps HallJunior Infant and Nursery School

Learning Today for a Better Tomorrow

0161 770 8400

Life of the School

We got Gold!

We have achieved our sports award again. Well done to all those involved who helped us to achieve gold! 

Special Commendation Award

Churchills have been presented with the adjudicators special commendation for their performance at the Oldham choral speaking festival. 

Gavin Crabtree, a member of the Oldham Rotary club who organised the festival, came into school to present the award to the children.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park Yr1.mp4

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All children developed their geographical skills associated with map reading, locality study and the environment near and far. 

Year 6 had an amazing day at the beach. Lots of fun was had and memories made. 

Drakes visit to Imagine That Museum

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Drakes had a fun filled experience at Imagine That Museum. The children experienced an interactive guide of art and science through 4 different zones of imagination and exploration. 

Nightingales enjoyed their Ancient Greek Art workshop and have produced some fantastic pieces of art learning. 

The children in Early Years thoroughly enjoyed Pirate Day! The pictures say it all!

Lowrys trip to Castleshaw

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The children explored a range of natural habitats including mole hills, badger dens and bird nests. All participated in pond dipping and found a huge selection of fish and water animals. 

Unfortunately due to poor weather conditions, our annual spots day was unable to go ahead . However this did not stop the children having lots of fun in a mini Olympic event. 

Our Year 6's thoroughly enjoyed dissecting hearts and lungs to explore and identify the main components of the circulatory system. 

Winmarleigh Residential.mp4

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We are pleased to share that we now have a harpist in school. Harp lessons will continue in Autumn term. 

Summer tuck shop

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The lack of sun did not stop the children from enjoying this years summer tuck shop organised and hosted by our School Councillors. 

Our staff room had two very special guests dining with the teachers as a reward for Poppy who achieved 75 merits. They asked the teachers lots f questions and enjoyed their chocolate treats.

The next reward would be to shadow a member of staff for the day. 

Shakespeares trip to the National Coal Mining Museum

Shakespeares explored and investigated different rocks, created their own fossils and had a underground tour of the mine. 

Newtons trip to the Jewish Museum

The children learned about the Jewish faith, Jewish symbolism and explored the diverse stories of Manchesters Jewish communities. They even baked their own challah bread and discovered how it is related to the Jewish day of rest. 

Some of our year 6 children enjoyed a McDonalds treat for lunch

Some of our Year 6's enjoyed an end of year treat for exemplary behaviour for many years. 

We have been accredited with The Wellbeing Award

Very proud of our amazing team at Propps Hall, their commitment to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our school community has got the recognition that it deserves again. Our school had a reassessment, with a 1 day visit from an external assessor who recommended that we be awarded with the accreditation for a 2nd time.

Thankyou to all the parents who support the work that we do, it's much appreciated! 

Staff vs Year 6...the teachers remain undefeated!

Drakes enjoyed developing their balance and coordination using the balance bikes.

Life of the School Autumn 2022

Life of the School Summer 2022