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Propps Hall Junior Infant and Nursery School home page

Propps HallJunior Infant and Nursery School

Learning Today for a Better Tomorrow

0161 770 8400


  • PE is on Thursday afternoons. Please ensure that your child leaves their PE kit in school. Their PE kit consists of a school PE shirt, a pair of school PE shorts and black pumps which must be kept in a school PE bag. PE kits are sent home every half term. 
  • Please make sure that every item of your child's clothing is labelled with their name. This includes their school uniform as well as their PE kit. 
  • Please can you make sure that your child has a water bottle in school with their name on it so that they can independently access water throughout the day. 
  • Please ensure that your child brings their book bag into school every morning and that it is checked at home every night. Items such as letters, reading books and home learning are put into your child's book bag. 
  • Home learning is given to your child every Friday. Home learning must be completed and handed back into school by Wednesday.
  •  Every child has a home learning book that their home learning will be placed in. Please ensure it is returned on or before the day stated above so that it can be seen and marked by a teacher. Home learning must be completed in pencil or pencil crayon.